Being fine !


She said she was fine
the sentence that had become
a default setting in her brain
letting her oblivious to reality

but no one is really fine
in the dark
speaking to the voices
in their head
fighting the demons
haunting them
all on their own
and crying to themselves
all through the night,
getting ready to face the light,

no one is fine in the light
with only themselves in sight.


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Forgiven !

In the moment,when you are no more scaredto close your eyes;for there is no fear,of the slide-show of those,horrifying flickering images of the past,Instead, Replaced by innocent happiness filled memories,Givi.jpg


In the moment,

when you are no more scared

to close your eyes;

for there is no fear,

of the slide-show of those,

horrifying flickering images of the past.


replaced by innocent,

happiness filled memories,

giving you hope.

for a future that is bright,

a future filled with love,

that’s the moment you know,

you’ve moved on.

That’s the moment you know,

you’ve forgiven the people & the situation.

But more than anyone, or anything

in that moment,

you’ve forgiven yourself.


Don’t you worry!

Don't you worryFor I will be okayAs long as you areTo lift me, when I'm unable to rise.To contain my worries, in a heartbeat.When my eyes are all welled up with tears,holding me tight, l


Don’t you worry

For I will be okay

As long as you are

To lift me, when I’m unable to rise.

To contain my worries, in a heartbeat.

When my eyes are all welled up with tears,

holding me tight, letting me take all my pain out

When they swell, being all cried out,

soothing me by planting those kisses.

And when I just can’t close my eyes at night,

when sleep deceives me,

you run your fingers through my hair,

till I fall into slumber.

And so I say,

Don’t you worry

For I will be okay

As long as you are, right here,

in my heart, in my life.



This kind of love!



“The truth be told, one cannot feel pleasurable without giving pleasure.

One cannot expect respect without giving it in return for an endless time.

Love is true, love is pure, love is kind, love enjoys giving and love enjoys taking too, love is selfless despite being selfish.

Love teaches how every gesture, every touch, every glance, every silence has a deep secret within, that brings happiness to the one who knows how to decode it.

Love teaches you, how after celebrating your love and embracing your lover in your arms, lovers should continue admiring each other, adoring each other, keeping the love alive.

Its not about who conquered whom, rather its about accepting every single thing about the person with equal respect.

This admiration, adoration, affection and fondness for each other is the key to keep this kind of love alive for a long, really long time.”



Picking up the pieces.

Life is like glass.There are times when it falls and break into pieces in front of you.You can either look at those broken pieces and mourn, or pick them up apply adhesive and make it I


Life is like glass.

There are times when it falls and breaks into pieces in front of you.

You can either look at those broken pieces and mourn, or pick them up apply adhesive and make it I the shape you want it to be.

The latter is difficult, it is painful too, cause in the process you’ll tend to hurt yourself with the sharp edges of the glasses. But that sting will heal, that wound will heal.

And when finally you’ll see the shape of your life as you had imagined, everything will be a journey which you will cherish and remember at various times.

A journey which would have made you, who would you be then. A stronger, better, courageous human at peace with your own being.




I can't help seeing that you are lonely, and sometimes, there is a look in your eyes that is so empty, it gives me shivers.Don't hold the pain, let it explode.I'll hold you day and night

I have been thinking since a few days to write about how important is to listen when you can. Think about it, all of us at least once must have experienced this in life when we didn’t listen to a loved one, and stalled it to future in the name of something that seemed more important at that moment. Have you realised this ever, that may be that moment was the last moment for you to listen, and passing of that moment have derived you of the opportunity to listen forever from that person.


The purpose of writing this post was just to share my thoughts on how much a little sensitivity on our part can help someone who is going through a tough time. Sometimes all a person wants is an empathetic ear; all he or she needs is to talk it out. Just offering a listening ear and an understanding heart for his or her suffering can be a big comfort. But with our busy lives, no one has got time for anyone. We are moving towards a world which is loosing the essence of emotions and understanding other’s pain.


There are times when we become ignorant to the spoken words of our loved ones, leave the unspoken ones. Do we realise that, probably it was the most they needed from us at that juncture. Sharing could be of any kind and about anything; maybe a physical pain, an emotional event, a happy moment, something gloomy, which might not hold any relevance for us, but it is an important event in their life in some way or the other. All that person needs is to share, to release the pain or share the happiness. All I say is, lets be serious for once and listen to their part of sharing, attentively.


My point of stressing on it is just that, I want to save you from the regret it causes when we leave that chance of listening. The person might not be around anymore, later when you realise you should’ve listened. The circumstances don’t wait for us or for our convenience, they just come when they have to. We don’t know what tomorrow hold for us, therefore do when you can, help when you can, listen when you can. Don’t wait for the right time or place because no time, no place is right enough. We have to make them right.


To conclude my point here, I want to say that, I want to provide myself as a listening being here, if anybody needs to share something and can’t find anybody to talk to. As I feel that sometimes it is easy to share with a stranger as there is no baggage or no fear of being judged. If nothing, I can listen, because I know what is the feeling of being unheard.




We grow up and suddenly everything becomes so complex. We learn about world- languages, cultures, calamities, disasters, love, pain, hatred and the list gets never ending with every passing day. The more we learn the more we carry. Sometimes the baggage is pleasant to carry, other times its not. But either way it gets heavier and heavier. And then comes certain times when all of it becomes really overwhelming. Thereby we end up looking for answers to the questions which seem so complex and solutions to the problems that seem too painful.

One such day even I was going through the same laborious task of finding answers and solutions. And the more I thought the more I ended up in the state of perplexity. At that juncture, I happened to have a completely out of topic conversation with a 5 year old about monkeys and cockroaches, and that, surprisingly but amazingly forced me to think. This young boy who apparently is scared of the idea of monkeys and cockroaches, was not afraid to face them if in a hypothetical scenario locked up with them. His reason to think that way, was he had no other choice than to face it. And the result was either victory over the fear, in which case, he would become their master or friendship with them.

Sometimes all the philosophical teachings, medical therapies, medications, everything fails. And as plain as an innocent child gives you life lesson with simply monkeys and cockroaches. This idea is so fascinating. After that conversation, I try to look at my problems and the soul-sucking questions as the monkeys and the cockroaches of  that verbal exchange. I am not saying it always solves everything, but it definitely does help. So lets take a minute and look at our lives and its every element through the perspective of a 5 year old.

“The soul is healed by being with children.”
― Fyodor Dostoyevsky