Pondering of mind !

A sentence so worded
to elicit information,
yes, this one is about
Those questions that we all have
those, that haunt us at night and,
make insomnia a friend dear.
Seeking for answers to those
questions, we all are,
trying to make whole
the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
Some are found in a jiffy,
while, others take years to decipher,
and sometimes even then
they seem far too isolated.
And then there are those
for which there are no answers.

Does that mean though,
that they were lost somewhere
in this enormous universe?
Well, Sometimes, you are better off without them,
may be, just may be
you are not ready for them,
as yet,
or a possibility strikes
that the answer is right there in front
of your eyes,
But, the matter dear to the heart
might as well be, that
you do not choose to see it,
cause may be, just may be
it is something you don’t want afterall.


Photo by Ilkka Kärkkäinen on Unsplash

Existentialism !


What is reality?
to go about it
in a Socratic style of inquiry
will the question be answered?
may be or may not be.
Why not question, instead,
the reality of today,
isn’t it
the stars which look
a little more brighter today,
or the wind what is blowing
a little more pure
or the waves which are
a little more clearer
coming to the shore today
Looking at yourself in the mirror
while questioning the reality of you
look deeper, a little more than usual
try finding that answer you’ve been
searching for all this while,
may be a different perspective
is waiting to be found by you,
may be you were free all along
may be your freedom was
anchored just in you head
while the reality,
well may be
that was the existence,
your existence, all along.


Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

Fulcrum !


Don’t you fret, for I’m here
And I’ll always be here,
to let you know, that you’re loved
showing how my world revolves around
the fulcrum, that you are

Yes, I will be here
for you to know, that
no matter the burden
big or small,
you’ll always find me right beside you
walking together, even when the path is
brutal, and life throws vexed questions.

and when the nights get longer
and the darkness surrounds you,
when the sleep, deceives you
rendering restlessness and anxiety
i’ll be right there to hold you
to sing you to sleep
and comfort you, with my embrace
telling you how, we will get through it

For the pain and agony
just like the smile and laughter
remember we are shared partners
through the thick and through the thin
and in sickness and in health,
for my weary mind, never leaves your side
even when distance puts us aside

you don’t have to be alone,
cause I’d always stretch my hand
for you to hold it, for there is nothing
in the world that will change the fact
that for you,
i’ll travel every hard and aching mile, and
the fire of love isn’t ever gonna burn and fade

So just leave your pain and worry aside
hold me tight,
cause I’m never gonna leave your side
holding you till the sun shine brights
from near, or from far I’ll be there
to look for the thoughts in which you are.



Photo by Tom The Photographer on Unsplash

Turmoil !


Mind, never at rest, millions of thoughts

conflicting and eager,

knocking the door, needing the answers.

answers to the questions,

the heart is too afraid to ask.

Its a cyclone, crashing the window,

only for the whirlwind to break-in

bringing chaos, and turmoil

elevating as approaching nearer

with every step,

turning anxiety into rage.

All the failures, lined up,

in a perfect pattern, giving a nice view.

Its a want of determination,

or need, who knows?

questions and only questions,

just the one-sided, and pained,

I can’t let go, or should I? or must I?

As many ways to frame, as many questions,

Could still they ever be right?

The answers lie far on the bare horizon,

tired, I’m walking, towards it

to put an end

to this turmoil and pain.

Will I make it,

is another question

I ask while I walk towards,

a question, whose answer

only time retains the power to tell !


Photo by Henry Be on Unsplash


A monologue !



When the darkness envelopes the sky,

and the quiet surrounds the night,

her empty eyes look down into the abyss,

trying to start a conversation,

rather it converts into a monologue,

where the abyss just stares right back at her,

through her eyes to her bruised soul,

uttering not a word, just giving a blank stare,

as if taunting her,

where she keeps on questioning,

Will this ever end?

The pain of not seeing him,

Will this ever end?

The suffering, the agony of this distance,

Will this ever end?

The loneliness, the numbness,

leaving her asphyxiated.

Will this ever end?

she keeps on beseeching,

in hope of some relief,

yet, the blank stare of the abyss,

 all she is graced with instead.



Photo by Riccardo Mion on Unsplash

A thought provoker

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I am obsessing over this quote, and the more I read, the more meaning I’m trying to derive out of it. In, totality these words are filled with sheer honesty, and it makes me wonder how often this happens in our lives. But I really haven’t been able to get the answer of the question of why this happens.

If you can help me finding this answer, it would be of great help. Also I would love to know your thoughts on it.



Procaffeinating with life!



Its like your coffee.

When your coffee is black and strong, you try to subtle it with cream and sugar.

Its exactly at this point where you need to be careful, careful of adding the correct amount of supplementing  ingredients, 

for it to not loose its true essence, its true flavour, for it to be perfect.

Because a little more quantity of cream and sugar will make it lighter, 

hot brew will turn cold, and the coffee that  once used to wake you up, 

will now make you gonna fall asleep. 

And if it gets too much, you won’t even realise you’re having coffee anymore.

Exactly in the same way you need to be careful while deciding the threshold for people, 

allowing them to impact your life, 

because a little more quantity than necessary, of their attributes touching you, affecting you will take  away your uniqueness, 

and again you won’t even realise that its you anymore.

So be careful of your proportions when it comes to your coffee and your life both!



ज़िन्दगी / Life!


इस सफर में चलते हुए ,किसी ने पूछा,
ज़िन्दगी किसे कहते है ?
जवाब में कुछ लफ्ज़ निकले, उलझे से कुछ यूँ
एक सपने के टूटने के बाद , एक नयी उमंग ,
एक नए होंसले के पैदा होने को, ज़िन्दगी कहते है I
रास्ते में आने वाली मुश्किलों को ,
बेख़ौफ़ पार करने को, ज़िन्दगी कहते है I
अपने सफर में अकेले ही सही ,
लेकिन बिना रुके चलने को ज़िन्दगी कहते है I
अपनों से मिले ग़म, और गैरों से मिली खुशियों को ,
दामन में बटोरते हुए चलने को ज़िन्दगी कहते है !

“While walking the life’s journey, someone asked

What is life?

Few jumbled words were said, to take a form of an answer.

After the death of one dream, the birth of a new zeal,

new courage, is what we call life.

Fearlessly walking down the lane of life,

bravely facing the hurdles, is what we call life.

Pacing towards the goal, may be alone

But pursuing perseverance, is what we call life.

Collecting the pain inflicted by dear ones, and stranger’s love

As feathers on your crown, and continue walking,

Is what we call life.”



A puzzle



Curious I am to comprehend,

If the person I am who woke up this morning the same,

Or the night did something to me to change.

I feel a little different, certainly something unusual.

The change; for better, for worse is a mystery unresolved.

Perhaps, to be left on time to be unravelled

But, if the night did do something,

Then the puzzle remains to be fathomed,

Of Who I really am?