Valiant journey !


Oh! So I wish !
for this wind to be my wing
to carry me, to your heart
for the waves in the ocean
to drift me to the shore,
where we are destined to meet.

you knocked on the door of my heart
confident with so much of love to give
my longing heart was touched
with a soothing balm of your affection
Bravery was your armour,
and love your shield,
protecting me,
from the darkness concealed.

Patience is our virtue
and fortitude our strength,
the journey which began
with two strangers walking on different paths
will turn into becoming the better-halves
sharing not just the paths,
but the walk of their lives, for them
to remember till the eternal end !


Fulcrum !


Don’t you fret, for I’m here
And I’ll always be here,
to let you know, that you’re loved
showing how my world revolves around
the fulcrum, that you are

Yes, I will be here
for you to know, that
no matter the burden
big or small,
you’ll always find me right beside you
walking together, even when the path is
brutal, and life throws vexed questions.

and when the nights get longer
and the darkness surrounds you,
when the sleep, deceives you
rendering restlessness and anxiety
i’ll be right there to hold you
to sing you to sleep
and comfort you, with my embrace
telling you how, we will get through it

For the pain and agony
just like the smile and laughter
remember we are shared partners
through the thick and through the thin
and in sickness and in health,
for my weary mind, never leaves your side
even when distance puts us aside

you don’t have to be alone,
cause I’d always stretch my hand
for you to hold it, for there is nothing
in the world that will change the fact
that for you,
i’ll travel every hard and aching mile, and
the fire of love isn’t ever gonna burn and fade

So just leave your pain and worry aside
hold me tight,
cause I’m never gonna leave your side
holding you till the sun shine brights
from near, or from far I’ll be there
to look for the thoughts in which you are.



Photo by Tom The Photographer on Unsplash

Ink !


I can write,

dipping my pen,

into the ink of inspiration,

that i find in you.

and i will continue to create you,

through my words,

as long as my hands can hold this pen,

and you,

you will remain as close as you can be,

here in the poetry i create,

looking back and reading them,

will be a cherished walk,

down the memory lane,

where i will drown myself,

in the deep ocean of, 

creations speaking of you.


Photo by Clark Young on Unsplash

A liberating experience



Liberating it is,

to let go of the expectations

accepting the life in its pure form

believing in its transient nature

separating the observation from preconception

knowing that destiny exists, it acts,

but only when you do;

its just a secondary character in your story.

Welcoming spontaneity along with planning,

cause flexibility is the truest sign of wisdom.

Embracing the pain of leaving a place, where your work is done

and looking ahead to the new places where you have to be.

Taking the lessons learnt from a previous journey,

and entering a new one, for many more to be added.

Accepting who you are,

taking the responsibility of your actions,

And just keep moving,

one step a day, one moment at a time.

And that, in truest sense is liberation. Isn’t it?





We are taught that the only way to success is moving forward.

But, life has taught me, sometimes to reach the goal, going back a step or two gives you the field to run and reach your destination. The key is to keep moving, maybe forward, backward, even sideways if required. Just keep moving, because inactivity is nothing but a sign of death.



Nights don’t last forever!

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The sun is yet to rise

The first ray of light has just started to emerge

The scenic beauty is mesmerising.

It’s all red & white with night lights still shining

Its just so beautiful;

open fields, soothingly chilly breeze,

And, I miss you being here with me

Cause, remember Nights don’t last forever.



“Nights don’t last forever.”

I realised this when this was the first thing I read after waking up.

Exact words, I needed to hear

Exact emotion, I needed to feel.

A message this special, from the most important person of my life.



ज़िन्दगी / Life!

इस सफर में चलते हुए ,किसी ने पूछा,
ज़िन्दगी किसे कहते है ?
जवाब में कुछ लफ्ज़ निकले, उलझे से कुछ यूँ
एक सपने के टूटने के बाद , एक नयी उमंग ,
एक नए होंसले के पैदा होने को, ज़िन्दगी कहते है I
रास्ते में आने वाली मुश्किलों को ,
बेख़ौफ़ पार करने को, ज़िन्दगी कहते है I
अपने सफर में अकेले ही सही ,
लेकिन बिना रुके चलने को ज़िन्दगी कहते है I
अपनों से मिले ग़म, और गैरों से मिली खुशियों को ,
दामन में बटोरते हुए चलने को ज़िन्दगी कहते है !

“While walking the life’s journey, someone asked

What is life?

Few jumbled words were said, to take a form of an answer.

After the death of one dream, the birth of a new zeal,

new courage, is what we call life.

Fearlessly walking down the lane of life,

bravely facing the hurdles, is what we call life.

Pacing towards the goal, may be alone

But pursuing perseverance, is what we call life.

Collecting the pain inflicted by dear ones, and stranger’s love

As feathers on your crown, and continue walking,

Is what we call life.”