Its her birthday !

I invited her to a dark place,
that’s my mind
she saw it and stayed
together we trembled,
yet stayed put.

I took her to a flowing river
of gloom and tears
she came along,
held me together and swam
deep with me, saying
all gets better in the end,
and even if it doesn’t
you’re not alone, said she

I walked her through
a bumpy track of my traumas
and happily all along
she walked by me
every single step of the way
telling me, I’m beyond my traumas
and helped me
built the lost confidence
piece by piece

I never had to, nor I will
ever have to ask her to stay
because I know she always will
for in this world of
materialistic happiness,
and manipulative relationships,
I have her, who stayed with me
at my darkest.

On your birthday,
my dearest and the only one
who I will call mindlessly at 4 am,
I want to thank you for
making me believe in light
when all I could see was darkness
Thank you for your existence.
Thank you, my dearest one
for being you !

Happy birthday, I’d always wish the best in the world for you ! ❤

Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash


Tangible !


Trying to catch a feather
that is drifting away
tirelessly flying, effortlessly
a fine, light, and softest of all
a feather grey as time
carried away by the wind,
away, far away from your hold

Thinking hard, contemplating
this urge to hold on to it,
I found myself reaching to
a realization, that hits hard
this need is to hold,
hold on to something
that is tangible, and not
an idea of tangibility.


Photo by Paul Gilmore on Unsplash

Prayer & poem !


the unplanned is the plan
a poem structured or not
a prayer may be answered or not
but alike poem, even the prayer
is composed beautifully
with those unplanned
words and phrases
that appear, pushing
each other towards the
farther right.
In that journey of composition
a self-confession occurs
without expecting
an absolution
that both the poem,
and the prayer
was always planned
since the inception of
the writer.
The prayer was always answered
and the poem always understood
whether in those
indirect forms,
as for
just asking is answering
of the prayer and the poem
conceived with
the moment of your inception.


Inherent !


Inherent it is,
exchanging energies,
taking a hold of the awareness
just for once
not fearing the unknown
accepting the boundless
cosmos of energies
around us
astound by the glimses
of magnifecence that lie
in the eyes of the beholder,
not taking the charge
and just observe
the limitless and the boundless
interplay of events in front
Let not the heart labour
let it breathe
just for this once
let it breathe.


Fragility !


Like a glass
with a broken body
heart chipping away
piece by piece
with the days eventful.
Done and dusted through
cracked, damaged and flawed
the adjectives that suit.
Hurting, trying to fix things
bleeding, trying to hold together
the million pieces 
just waiting to break through
the behold and fall down.
What’s left?
one gentle touch,
just to make sure everything is good
oh yes, it took just one gentle touch
to shatter what little was left
into pieces, without knowing !


Detachment !


surreal, it is.
Isn’t it?
when something
unrealistically beautiful
captures your soul
It stays just enough
for addiction to kick in
and then, just when
surrendering becomes inevitable
it happens,
you know it in your heart
any amount of dwelling
wouldn’t be realistic,
you know it,
that it is the dark side of the moon
where there is cold, dark and no heat
cause there’s no sun.
Yet, you dwell
just a little bit,
just for some more time.
and you dwell,
yes, just for a little bit more…..


Witness !


I put forward a step
reaching out to the setting sun
taking your hand in mine
with stars shining in my eyes
lighting up the sky

the rhythm of the twinkling stars
syncing to the tune of our breath
as we draw close to each other
swaying to the perfect melody
of the waves touching our feet

Nameless winds brings close
sagas of universe
unfolding in our arms
while I look at your face
keeping that smile deep in my heart

I wonder, what day it is?
an old one or new
or just a day reborn
to witness the unison
of our souls

It isn’t yesterday
nor it is tomorrow
its just today
where we are born
while the sun is witnessing
the tapestries of our
silent promises, we made.

standing with you
at the edge of this sunset
tethered with hope
searing through the darkness
here I am
just so I can hear your heart
that beats with my own.


Vintage !


marta-pawlik-14356-unsplashSometimes when you meet someone, you fall in love not only with them but also with the relationships and bonds they share with those around. This is one such wish for my special someone’s most important friendship on his birthday !
Happy birthday ! 🙂

Birthdays come once a year
but they give you reasons to share,
you are down the path of becoming vintage
Scribbling down some words for you
just to let you know,
though I have not met you,
but it feels I already know you,
we have a common thread
and that’s where is the mental connect.
There had been words exchanged
about you, so often that
its evident, how special you are
Though you may not hear that
in the same exact words ever
but then you will always be the first one
and that says a lot.
For me friendship is a bond that you two share
that has taught me the meaning of it.
They say, that friendship is a miracle
that dwells in the heart.
and I see that miracle, every time
I hear about you two
So here’s to growing vintage
and cheers to you for being who you are.
Until we meet, sending these wishes
wrapped with happiness and smiles
Happy Birthday !
Wishing you dreams, to guide your path
health to keep your soul happy always
and happiness to see that smile
on your face always !



A love affair !


Who was she?
just a girl in love
waiting every day for the night,
when all is quiet
for it would bring him closer to her.

He is so close, yet so far away
She would patiently wait for him
everyday, in the hope of
an eternal union;
that beautiful moment,
when she would be near him
to hold him closer to her heart.

Those one sided conversations,
would finally end,
they would speak and listen,
to the stories they had to tell each other,
and those lonely thoughts will no longer be alone
for the reverie will finally unite with her moon.


Photo by Steve Halama on Unsplash