Aligned !


with every deep breath,
my consciousness gets awaken
a bit more.
vibrations after vibrations
it flows through
all that is and all that ever will be
Looking at you,
I see eternity,
the feeling of being one.

To tear us apart,
the wicked ego has played its tricks,
and the evil distance has come in between
withstanding all this are we
the warriors of love,
spreading light in each others way

Enveloped in our arms
wishing this was true,
waiting for all this to pass
so I can be there with you.


Epiphany !

matthew-brodeur-215031-unsplash.jpgAwake, and this time
driven by the rush of blood in my veins
raindrops are falling,
the sky is clear
Oh ! look the storms have ceased
and the hurricane settled.

The damage it caused
yet to be analysed,
may be more, may be less
but the storms have ceased
and the heart has started pumping
the blood at its normal pace

Oh ! look I see the sun
though it has not reached my window yet
it is yet to grace me with its warmth and light
but look the storms have ceased
and I will climb up
leaving this bottomless pit
till I finally see the light of the day.


Photo by Matthew Brodeur on Unsplash

Truth !


The journey, while we travel
searching to understand
making sense of the signs
as an energy, divine and celestial
illuminating our mind,
the minds, which are sceptical at times
weary and tired of constant struggles
facing the failures and falling hard.

But perceiving the truth is the reality
recurring rocky roads, tiresome and unpleasant
is the universal placing to decode
the greener path on the other side.
Realisations, awakening and enlightenment
minds trained to acquire strength
to take along, finding the real light.


Shining light !


I wish for the time and space
to unwind and float away.
Stepping into your mind
to read your thoughts
sweet and complex,
wanting a piece of you to remember
treasure a part of you in my heart forever
there are countless paths to travel
abounding passages to discover
having you by my side
the rising of the early sun
and the touch of the dawn
the sound of the morning crickets
and the silence of the night sky
the moments are infinite to experience
yet this endless distance
standing tall between us
forbidding the sweetest pleasure
of being together
however the darkness thrives
i’ll keep the light burning
in my heart, warm and bright
for you to always find shelter
peace and comfort
when you finally come home !


Re-birth !


The art of inventing the strength
to welcome the life she fancy, with grandeur.
ways she choose, paths she traverse
frowned upon by many, yet the life is hers to be

Confusion and delusion,
insecurity and all the battles
fighting she is, with all her might,
no place left for second guessing the beliefs;
the beliefs, she holds, dear to heart.

The fierce is the fire
burning bright, to vanquish darkness,
following the rules made by her own
in search of the true truth,
making a life for her own.

Transcending out of guilelessness
she grew, while travelling
in those moments of voyage
travelled she a lifetime, mentally.
and today she blooms,
for it is the beginning of an unending end.

for the world is lost in its labels,
disabled and oblivious to what they’ve become
in the name of honour and dignity,
where ironical are the actions,
disgraceful and horrendous.

So she proceeds in the direction ahead,
unbound from the labels; right or wrong
accepting the ways strange and different
but once she gears, takes a flight high.
making the soul reappear, from a long slumber.

Taking the hold of the destiny
unpinning the roadblocks,
retrieving what she seeks
in anything but grief,
there she rises high, once again
like a phoenix.


Collaborated scribbles 2 !


He just wanted her to know that, it’s not wrong for her to either feel nothing or feel like everything is falling apart, its okay if the pieces of the puzzle are just scattered. He knew how brave she is, how she always stands by what her heart says is right, and those things, little or big, made her who she is.

He couldn’t even imagine how big a fight she had been fighting constantly inside and outside, and yet he found her strength completely adorable. The way she always rose like a phoenix from nothingness, was what he admired about her. And he just couldn’t stop acknowledging every single time she did that, how much he loved her, and how that love could never be tangible, for him to express, and even if it could, it still wouldn’t be enough.

He had been reading her all through the time he had been around, and off late he found in her a longing to find again the light, yearning to gain the strength she thought she had lost in an abyss. He just wanted to hold her and let her know, that she will find that light and will again shine bright like the glowing star in the moonlit sky, living graciously and moving ahead one step at a time.

She might be in an abyss but from where he was looking, she had never been that clear before, and he had the faith that it was about time she realised that she was fierce like the fire and that fire isn’t gonna burn ever.

She knew he had been reading her, and what made her restless was that he was quietly observing her, without shredding slightest of the clue of what had been on his mind. She was oblivious of the fact that he was preparing to make her feel loved and special, sweeping her off her feet, by the magical gestures of love.

His love had always been one of a kind, never pompous, always silent, just for her to know, just for her to feel. It was always his way of making every single thing about her, just like making her his centre of gravity, just like he was the fulcrum around which her life moved. He spoke with those pair of his eyes, and no amount of words could reassure her, but that simple peek into his eyes, meant the world to her.

He knew her like the back of his hand, more than she could ever know herself, and it was always his faith in her that made her grow, and become the person she is, it was his love, that was the manure, and his heart the ground on which she grew.

He was the light she was looking for all this time, and yes, it was about time she realised that the light that she had been searching for, had always been by her side all along.


This is another attempt of a collaboration between me and the one all my poetry is dedicated to. Its just one of those days where, you feel that not everything in this world is dark and unpleasant, after all. Another piece sharing with you all, words of the one who impact my life the most !

Please feel free to check out the first collaboration like this by clicking on this link. ‘Collaborated Scribbles’


Photo by Crystal Shaw on Unsplash

Fulcrum !


Don’t you fret, for I’m here
And I’ll always be here,
to let you know, that you’re loved
showing how my world revolves around
the fulcrum, that you are

Yes, I will be here
for you to know, that
no matter the burden
big or small,
you’ll always find me right beside you
walking together, even when the path is
brutal, and life throws vexed questions.

and when the nights get longer
and the darkness surrounds you,
when the sleep, deceives you
rendering restlessness and anxiety
i’ll be right there to hold you
to sing you to sleep
and comfort you, with my embrace
telling you how, we will get through it

For the pain and agony
just like the smile and laughter
remember we are shared partners
through the thick and through the thin
and in sickness and in health,
for my weary mind, never leaves your side
even when distance puts us aside

you don’t have to be alone,
cause I’d always stretch my hand
for you to hold it, for there is nothing
in the world that will change the fact
that for you,
i’ll travel every hard and aching mile, and
the fire of love isn’t ever gonna burn and fade

So just leave your pain and worry aside
hold me tight,
cause I’m never gonna leave your side
holding you till the sun shine brights
from near, or from far I’ll be there
to look for the thoughts in which you are.



Photo by Tom The Photographer on Unsplash

Collaborated scribbles !


He was stuck in a loop, an uncontrollable need to just keep on running away from all possible circumstance & every possible chance of vulnerability, running from one relationship to another, one person to another, one target to another, one thought to another.

And then on one fine morning she happened, she entered the room with a bright wide smile, & coloured the grey white life, time stopped, eyes met, hearts sang the same song & every piece fell in place.

She grew like a sunflower of the new bright light, but this time the sun ☀️ Came down to the flower, for like forever. 

He was the sunshine that reflected on her face making it glow and bling, he was the colour on her skin, making her beautiful, he was the reason her smile was wide and bright, for every single time she felt at bliss, looking into his eyes.

His love was a canvas, so pure and white, where she painted it red with the intensity of their love, and created a painting for them to protect and cherish till the end of time.

He became the light she needed to traverse the dark corners of her heart, the blanket that protected her from the cold winds of time, a listening ear and a giving heart, he was everything she could have wished for.

Alone they were letters scattered randomly on the page, together they became a poetry.  


“There are days when someone, tells you how special you are to them and it becomes melodious, today was one such day, and I thought this would be a better way to reply and reciprocate the emotions. This is a collaboration, and a little introduction of the words of the one, to whom all my poetry is dedicated.”