Winter teardrop !


A spark in her eye
shining like glitter
a winter teardrop heavy
with the weight
as vast as an ocean.

The winter teardrop
does not fall yet
waits in the time’s grasp
but it could hold
only tangible

it falls
inevitably, slowly
to the ground
with every inch
the fierce fire
of the winter teardrop
in her eyes grows
goes to the ground
without making any sound
meeting the cold earth
lost into the dust and dirt


Photo by Aaron Wilson on Unsplash

Contrasts !


He was rock, she was water

He wanted to go to the mountains
and breathe peace
to feel the morning sun
the air which was serene
over a warm cup of coffee

She wanted to go somewhere far
in the deep waters
to feel the cold water
soothe her otherwise burning soul
and just drown enjoying the sun setting


Photo by Timo Stern on Unsplash

Re-birth !


The art of inventing the strength
to welcome the life she fancy, with grandeur.
ways she choose, paths she traverse
frowned upon by many, yet the life is hers to be

Confusion and delusion,
insecurity and all the battles
fighting she is, with all her might,
no place left for second guessing the beliefs;
the beliefs, she holds, dear to heart.

The fierce is the fire
burning bright, to vanquish darkness,
following the rules made by her own
in search of the true truth,
making a life for her own.

Transcending out of guilelessness
she grew, while travelling
in those moments of voyage
travelled she a lifetime, mentally.
and today she blooms,
for it is the beginning of an unending end.

for the world is lost in its labels,
disabled and oblivious to what they’ve become
in the name of honour and dignity,
where ironical are the actions,
disgraceful and horrendous.

So she proceeds in the direction ahead,
unbound from the labels; right or wrong
accepting the ways strange and different
but once she gears, takes a flight high.
making the soul reappear, from a long slumber.

Taking the hold of the destiny
unpinning the roadblocks,
retrieving what she seeks
in anything but grief,
there she rises high, once again
like a phoenix.


Collaborated scribbles 2 !


He just wanted her to know that, it’s not wrong for her to either feel nothing or feel like everything is falling apart, its okay if the pieces of the puzzle are just scattered. He knew how brave she is, how she always stands by what her heart says is right, and those things, little or big, made her who she is.

He couldn’t even imagine how big a fight she had been fighting constantly inside and outside, and yet he found her strength completely adorable. The way she always rose like a phoenix from nothingness, was what he admired about her. And he just couldn’t stop acknowledging every single time she did that, how much he loved her, and how that love could never be tangible, for him to express, and even if it could, it still wouldn’t be enough.

He had been reading her all through the time he had been around, and off late he found in her a longing to find again the light, yearning to gain the strength she thought she had lost in an abyss. He just wanted to hold her and let her know, that she will find that light and will again shine bright like the glowing star in the moonlit sky, living graciously and moving ahead one step at a time.

She might be in an abyss but from where he was looking, she had never been that clear before, and he had the faith that it was about time she realised that she was fierce like the fire and that fire isn’t gonna burn ever.

She knew he had been reading her, and what made her restless was that he was quietly observing her, without shredding slightest of the clue of what had been on his mind. She was oblivious of the fact that he was preparing to make her feel loved and special, sweeping her off her feet, by the magical gestures of love.

His love had always been one of a kind, never pompous, always silent, just for her to know, just for her to feel. It was always his way of making every single thing about her, just like making her his centre of gravity, just like he was the fulcrum around which her life moved. He spoke with those pair of his eyes, and no amount of words could reassure her, but that simple peek into his eyes, meant the world to her.

He knew her like the back of his hand, more than she could ever know herself, and it was always his faith in her that made her grow, and become the person she is, it was his love, that was the manure, and his heart the ground on which she grew.

He was the light she was looking for all this time, and yes, it was about time she realised that the light that she had been searching for, had always been by her side all along.


This is another attempt of a collaboration between me and the one all my poetry is dedicated to. Its just one of those days where, you feel that not everything in this world is dark and unpleasant, after all. Another piece sharing with you all, words of the one who impact my life the most !

Please feel free to check out the first collaboration like this by clicking on this link. ‘Collaborated Scribbles’


Photo by Crystal Shaw on Unsplash

Fulcrum !


Don’t you fret, for I’m here
And I’ll always be here,
to let you know, that you’re loved
showing how my world revolves around
the fulcrum, that you are

Yes, I will be here
for you to know, that
no matter the burden
big or small,
you’ll always find me right beside you
walking together, even when the path is
brutal, and life throws vexed questions.

and when the nights get longer
and the darkness surrounds you,
when the sleep, deceives you
rendering restlessness and anxiety
i’ll be right there to hold you
to sing you to sleep
and comfort you, with my embrace
telling you how, we will get through it

For the pain and agony
just like the smile and laughter
remember we are shared partners
through the thick and through the thin
and in sickness and in health,
for my weary mind, never leaves your side
even when distance puts us aside

you don’t have to be alone,
cause I’d always stretch my hand
for you to hold it, for there is nothing
in the world that will change the fact
that for you,
i’ll travel every hard and aching mile, and
the fire of love isn’t ever gonna burn and fade

So just leave your pain and worry aside
hold me tight,
cause I’m never gonna leave your side
holding you till the sun shine brights
from near, or from far I’ll be there
to look for the thoughts in which you are.



Photo by Tom The Photographer on Unsplash

‘Meant to be’ !


She stopped for a while to think,

why she was where she is?

and if she was meant to be there,

why is it that every moment,

is a moment of struggle and despair.

If she is meant to be happy,

why every single day is followed with

breaking down before the pillow.


Life, in strange ways, is misleading sometimes,

a puzzle, stubborn to be solved at all,

it takes to a path beautiful,

and the moment surroundings become comfortable

a hurricane arrives following destruction and relocation.


She stops, and looks back to the path she had been to,

thinks about all the times she had relocated,

every time with a spirit, higher than before,

a spark lightening her up, fuelling her to take on the world,

rather it seems the fuel is ending now, the spark no longer brightening

rather, her heart is starting to collapse in that fire,

becoming just remnants of once a fierce soul.



Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash


Strength anew!



Flying high,

hit by the force of wind,

taking a free fall, 

wings flapping,

destiny unknown, uncertain,

gaining back the balance,

right in the middle of nimbus,

with fire in the heart,

accepting the frivolous flight,

keeping the head held high,


Lost dreams were lost,

new hopes were built,

on the remains of those dreams,

held captive in the darkness around,

yet, holding on the bright light,

coming from inside,


oh! the heart,

how dreaded it was,

to let go off the fear,

of falling again,

yet it gathered strength anew,

to fight with all that comes in the way,

with a sword of strength and hope,

for this time

the flight was to be higher

than ever before,

for the journey,

to end, 

on the terms right,

only to witness the beginning

of another !


Photo by Scott Serhat Duygun on Unsplash

Fire within !

May sunshine and flowerscolor your day..jpg

Tables turn

when least expected


what once seemed cause of despair,

becomes the cause of hope.

protecting from the demons inside,

shielding against the hardships outside,

And in that moment;

that burning fire,

of hope

turns deadly,

Aiming for nothing,

but achieving against all odds,

making you glow & shine

like the brightest star in the galaxy

making you a fable,

for the whole world to remember !


Adaptability and Resilience- true measure of strength!

“The human spirit holds strength beyond measure, the kind that will break down the walls of all the blocks that come our way.”.jpg

Two attributes measuring strength;

Adaptability and resilience

Cause in times of pressure, intelligence or wit or smartness or muscular strength will just be secondary tools, the real measure of your strength will be your adaptability to a situation you never could have possibly imagined yourself into, but your reality has brought you in, as against your imagination.

And another weapon in your arsenal to fight it would be your resilience. The quicker you recover, the quicker you reach to heights. Or else the path to your own destruction will be created by your own hands.  It’s just like the fire, the fire in your heart. This fire needs to be so passionate and fierce that it is able to crush, burn, destroy everything that comes in between you and your path to survive and heal from that difficult time, to adapt, and to become more resilient, every single time.