‘Meant to be’ !


She stopped for a while to think,

why she was where she is?

and if she was meant to be there,

why is it that every moment,

is a moment of struggle and despair.

If she is meant to be happy,

why every single day is followed with

breaking down before the pillow.


Life, in strange ways, is misleading sometimes,

a puzzle, stubborn to be solved at all,

it takes to a path beautiful,

and the moment surroundings become comfortable

a hurricane arrives following destruction and relocation.


She stops, and looks back to the path she had been to,

thinks about all the times she had relocated,

every time with a spirit, higher than before,

a spark lightening her up, fuelling her to take on the world,

rather it seems the fuel is ending now, the spark no longer brightening

rather, her heart is starting to collapse in that fire,

becoming just remnants of once a fierce soul.



Photo byย Anthony Tranย onย Unsplash


55 thoughts on “‘Meant to be’ !

  1. No sorrow, no pain can collapse the heart! You take care of yourself and you will emerge as a new.
    However beautiful your words may be, they are a brave cover up.
    Let me write a poem on love to cheer you.๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’•


  2. and the moment surroundings become comfortable
    a hurricane arrives following destruction and relocation.,…………
    you have no idea how much I resonate with these lines ….as if you were speaking my mind. It’s a beautiful piece……but once a fierce soul always a fierce soul ….bring it on life๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Beautiful and unfortunately, exactly how I feel right now. I’ve “relocated” many times and failed too many dreams to count. That spark to try again just isn’t there. I don’t know who you speak of in this poem, but it’s as if it was written for me. Thank you for putting words to the feelings I couldn’t figure out. Maybe now that I know what they are, I will know where again to start. Wishing you much love and joy and hoping you don’t feel the same. โค

    Liked by 2 people

    • I don’t know whether I’m happy or sad reading this.
      Happy because the poem made you feel the way it did, to help you understand your feelings, or sad because you had to go through this at the first place !
      I just hope, you see the light at the end of the tunnel, and bring back that spark.
      As my friends here have made me realise, the spark never dies, its just a matter of time. This too shall pass ! โค
      Thank you so much for all the wishes and such amazing words ! ๐Ÿ™‚
      I wish the same, and sending you endless smiles and happiness !<3

      Liked by 1 person

    • It just amaze me how you simplify things that seem so complicated at the first instance.
      Its just how you think and the way you put words to those thoughts, have a certain impact on me which always makes me think.
      I’m so grateful to you for being there with such words always ! ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

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