Sky Lantern



Beginning the day yesterday with a gloom, I was at my lowest ebb.

Thinking about the negativities and the never ending struggles.

The mood in general was bathed with sadness, and helplessness.

Yet, as every single day, yesterday too was meant to begin and pass.

Not in my rarest thoughts, would have I thought what yesterday was about to bring to me.


The sunlight was bright, in the winter afternoon, soothing the skin.

My eyes were wandering towards the infinity of nowhere

It was then, I caught a glimpse of my cynosure.

In a single second, my cheeks flushed, my dead eyes got brightened, and my soul danced its happiest dance.

The moment felt like my body started receiving the needed oxygen supply, I felt like living, I felt like shouting, I felt like dancing. I was overjoyed, a feeling I sensed after a really long time.


In the evening following that, the sky was filled with lanterns illuminating it.

I looked up, and in that instance I knew you were there too somewhere near, admiring its beauty just like I was.

The feeling of abandonment surpassed and as those lanterns filled the sky with grace and luminescence, my heart filled with the feeling of togetherness, a feeling of joy, a feeling of being near to you.



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