Coming home !


his love is like the rock
standing upright
shielding her, in protection
when the tides of adversity hits
shaking the ground.

his love is that river
that flows
endlessly, making ways
filling the gorges and crevices
of her bruised heart.

his love is the wind
that blows in her direction,
relieving her from the scorching
heat of the pain, wrenching her guts
soothing her by his tender touch


his love is shaped like home
in which she moved in,
she was his, yet so free,
for the first time ever.
his love, so patient and giving
and she just knew
she couldn’t wait, to finally
come home.


47 thoughts on “Coming home !

  1. To have that love and admiration from someone to feel so welcomed to the heart that it feels like home is a special thing. They say home is where the heart is and you penned it perfectly with this beautiful poem, for her to feel so safe with his love was a thing of beauty. I loved the love in this write, a true love story.❀️🌹

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